Science Museum Review

Our second museum trip in 8 days and this is a big contrast from the last one. Firstly, it was a much shorter trip, but also a much cheaper one.

Little man is still too young to do most of the paid for things at the Science Museum. We stuck pretty much to the main galleries. There wasn’t that much to keep a toddler engaged – once we’d seen Puffing Billy he was just about done and ready for the shop and food.

Of the toddler suitable things we went to the Pattern Pod and the Garden. Both of these are essentially just play areas and I don’t feel like we got much out of them.

It was fun introducing him to Pong, even if I did win 10-1, but we were really done in 30 minutes. There’s a reason the Natural History Museum has long queues to get in at the weekend but the Science Museum was relatively quiet, it’s just not as engaging.

We’ll make a trip back in a couple of years when he can do things like the Red Arrows simulator and Wonderlab.