Things I won't 'buy'

A story in The Times today about Roald Dahl ebooks being replaced with the new censored versions in has reminded my that there are some things I won’t subscribe to any more. This hasn’t always been the case, I used to be a massive proponent of moving physical assets to digital forms. I don’t own any CDs or any means to play them. I’ve never had a big DVD collection. I probably have more ebooks than physical books.

The problem with most digital assets is there is an illusion that the model is ownership but in nearly every case it’s rental, and often things are tied to the method of consumption. My ebook collection, for example, is split between Google Play Books and Kindle. I have to remember where the book is before choosing the device to consume it on, and inevitably I give up before starting.

This has led me to the model that anything that I care about I will try to find a way to properly own the content, roughly according to the following rules.