This week - 2018-09-02

🏡 House

It’s time to pull up all the carpets. I started this weekend with the easiest room with the least coconsequence, and by the end of the month there should be no more carpet in the house. Hopefully this resolves a bit of a moth problem that we have and makes it easier to just get on with other renovation/decoration, whether it’s us doing it or getting somebody else in to do it.

📚 Books

I continued my cycle of cerebral book alternating with Sharpe books by reading Sharpe’s Havoc. This puts me exactly ⅓ through the Sharpe series, and now these are some of the stories that I saw on TV as a child.

Next up is Collusion: How Russia helped Trump Win the White House. This isn’t a book I would have picked for myself, but as it came free with my Guardian subscription I’m going to read it. I’m interested to see if it actually adds anything to the constant noise in the news.

One question that I am thinking about at the moment is when is the right time to discard physical books. We’ve got quite a few books that we’re probably never going to read again and are a pain to shift round for renovation work. There’s a sentimental attachment to them that is making it slightly hard to part with.