This week - 2018-07-29

I missed posting last week as we were away in Toulouse for a friends wedding. The wedding was amazing but the trip mostly convinced me to never fly Ryanair again. The scheduled 16:15 flight didn’t actually take off until 23:45. This meant that when we arrived in Toulouse we arrived to closed car hire desks and fully booked hotels. Luckily we managed to get into an Ibis budget but we lost the car hire. Thanks to EU compensation we’re not going to end up out of pocket at all but it’s still annoying.

To cap off an actually fairly relaxing holiday week we woke up to no water on Sunday. Thames Water had apparently failed to respond to a reported leak on Saturday, which by Sunday morning had grown into a massive leak, flooding the shopping centre and taking out most of Leytonstone’s water supply. Admittedly they have ended up fixing it reasonably quickly, but it seems like this is a problem of their own making.