This week - 2018-02-04
This week I have been:
personal computing 💻
- Went to London Clojure Dojo meetup, where we hacked together a playable version of tictactoe. We didn’t have time to implement a victory checker so I did that after the fact. My version of the application is on github.
- Coded up a version of 2048. This was surprisingly easy to do with clojurescript. Realistically about 1 day’s work to get something feature complete but a but ugly, including some unit tests. I think I’m going to hack on this a bit more here.
- Reimplemented some of the front end logic for bookmark manager in clojurescript. This has spun off into a new repo.
cooking 🍳
- Keralan Chicken Curry from Maunika Gowardhan’s Indian Kitchen. This always comes out slightly differently but always really tasty.
- Fish Fragrant Aubergine from Omnivores Cookbook 🍆
Life ⽣
- Have got a turbo trainer. 🚴 Going to cause myself some pain over the next few weeks.